
Funny story written by Erskin Quint

Thursday, 26 May 2011

image for Supper-Injuctions
Thise Ror'de Jucntion's Trafik'e Must Of Been Knorn'e Ine Advanc'e Aledg'ley

Thise is the Laytexte Newe's

Laitexet's bi'e Investitgratin'e Rep-otre

We have of bine hearde of that theryr has of bin many storeiys what are of aboute theses supere-injuctshns what are of been happent to all suche premire legge foutballer ekc ekcet. What of is hase bine cafortin wiyth modiles gurl.

Hore iss ite? Wee hav of evindense of otherr doin's ,like , whot is "suoepur-injutions" been allegend'd note trewe. Ore' been sumwahte eless alltug-ethre. Like whate of "suepire rode-junctton" e-ge Shpagetty Joncti'ne at Brurmbigdanme Nuew Srteate.

Ore cud it'be missteakun'd heered off' troffik ballytin's on Rayd'o Fife A-Life.

Maney of like what was thes Rion Geaugues is been namde bie theis M-Pee at Parley meant. Theiy sey ther'se other's and we ackree.

Theyr'e muust of been othjruse,obiersley. We thinke what of likye Jon Mottsune or Treforr Boukine not tu manshion Hektorr Chompitaze off Perowu 1970's werrld coup. 1974 Imanwell Sanone off Haytii as whelle.

Thay had ofe bine defnite tunowe rorde's conn'edishines off Perou inne and'e Heytie,no wound're Italie gotte loaste.

Thi'se Pole'and Gore'l-kipper "Klowne Tommy Sheskis" what of demay'd Engerluned off 197'3 wrorled coupe cwollficasthon'e,heie muset off been hidene rorde mappe's sos'e Sire Alffe Grurnitte's plieres cudn'ts of gote to Wembelree one tym'e. An'd Porelend hade of been bettire praparyrd.

Erik Pikkul's "Whoreld Couep dogg'e" fune'd thier misline'g Cupe - butte what is hise bene gotatte off'e biuye jrunliste's? Mebbeys givne hime a sniffe off a Ater'zedde mappre Loundron fires't.

All'e foutbale poepel is what have of bine syspecket'd thise's mystike's.

Jim'ie Heele,Lenne Cantellouwe ,F'ran's Bekc 'n'-Bowwer. Dick'sie Dene. Bigge "Fats'o Foorkes", Boube Willsen.

Garri'e Lynne-Acke'r, Joum'e Rid'Nuppe .Krisse Carmarda, Frankle Boff'e.

Can'e Earn'y Hunte scrore a bakk-flapp'e gorle agine'st "schule off siensc'e" Legge Chumpone's Evretone in'e 70-71 frome Will'e Carline. Shor'ly tha'y muste offe been toled what off trafike jhame's in Cuvintri'e when Evretone gotte stuke and thiy cudnit' playe rite.

Sirre Jonne Snag'e mede borte raice comentri'e - maybe's was of gnowin'e th' rorde condishn'es ine advante's offe Ocksfer'd Ceymbrig'e temme's. Cos's of them been stucke in Loundon'e Cannal and'e cudlne't of sene rorde condishun's from'e thare. (Sir'e Jonn Smegg'e was'e of been upp'e a rostrome with'e a telyscoup'e vueue.)

W'e diem'and th're TREWRTH'E!

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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