Part #4: Factual Facts To Impress Your Date:

Funny story written by Bureau

Friday, 30 July 2010

image for Part #4: Factual Facts To Impress Your Date:
"Those Are Even Funnier When You're Stoned, Man!"

#10. In certain villages in remote areas of Peru, any woman who uses a man as her bed covering during the night is considered to be married.

#9. The Number one nickname among the North's Eskimo people is "Mo".

#8 The average male will have gravity cause his balls to drop a full six inches between the age of 40 and the age of 70. Yet, THERE ARE NO COSMETIC BALL SURGEONS ANYWHERE IN THE US OR EUROPE!

#7 In certain Aztec cultures, a man's wealth was determined by the combined length of his toes.

#6. Lesbians and Gays wish each other "Happy Birthday" a full 50% more times than heterosexuals!

#5. Nearly 99 percent of all vegetables we eat on cobs, is corn.

#4 There is no word in the English language that will rhyme with the word thyme.

#3 In 1789, Benjamin Franklin formed the first American Team of traveling acrobats, called "Poor Richard's All Man Act"!

#2 Those big paraffin Bubba Teeth and Fake Lipstick used at Halloween and usually eaten afterwards, stay in your stomach until July 4th of the following year.

#1 After 8-year-old Lowell Everts of New Hampshire secretly taught the family parrot, "It'll make your pecker stick out!" in 1824, the bird continued getting it wrong, saying "It'll make your sticker peck out!" for 100 years. In fact, those were it's dying words in 1929.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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