The Line the Bridge and the Wardrobe

Funny story written by SPECTRUM

Friday, 26 February 2010

image for The Line the Bridge and the Wardrobe
To die, or not to die? That is the question.

Suicide rates are set to rise if new proposals backed by Terry Pratchett and Debbie Purdy go ahead. Pratchett and Purdy are two of the most outspoken people in the right to die campaign but not every one wants to die - just look at Michael Jackson he wanted to be Cryogenically Frozen.

If these proposals go ahead this will be added to the already varied ways people commit suicide which include:

1) The Line: The person goes to a train line and waits for the next express train. This is one of the messiest ways to die but for some reason one of the most popular.

2) The Bridge: The person goes to a high bridge and jumps off another very popular method of suicide.

3) The Wardrobe: Hanging is another popular method of suicide but in recent years people hanging themselves have wanted to do it in a wardrobe like recent cases David Carradine and Alexander McQueen.

Why do so many people want to Die?

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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