Pelican Recruited To Assisted Suicide Campaign

Funny story written by carina-eta

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

image for Pelican Recruited To Assisted Suicide Campaign
Ditch the pillow - Switch to a Pelican

A popular Australian pelican was today recruited to the Assisted Suicide campaign following the release of a news video of the bird trying to finish off a TV presenter.

In the video the bird is seen hilariously biting the bottom of a laughing TV presenter. However, on a more serious note, the pelican later returned with a pillow, a bottle of pills and a machete.

Assisted Suicide campaigners, impressed by the "beaked crusaders" tenacity and the fact that authorities can't actually arrest a pelican if it happens to kill you, have recruited the animal to their cause.

A spokesman commented," Not only will the pelican quickly dispatch you to the afterlife, he's immune to prosecution and the video of your demise will be so bloody funny it will be passed around your family for generations."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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