"The Bachelor" Brad Womack And Christina Aguilera Caught 'Tongue Wrestling' In Tarzana

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Thursday, 17 March 2011

image for "The Bachelor" Brad Womack And Christina Aguilera Caught 'Tongue Wrestling' In Tarzana
A photo of Emily Maynard that allegedly was taken by Chris Harrison.

TARZANA, California - Brad Womack the man on this season's edition of The Bachelor, was embarrassed before a viewing audience of 30 million when the woman he picked to propose to ended up telling him on live television that although she kind of liked him she would not be marrying him.

"Does this mean you won't be moving to Austin?" A somewhat clueless Womack asked.

"Well duh." Replied a self-centered Emily Maynard, who suddenly grew a pair and all of a sudden turned into a blonde trailer park version of Paris Hilton.

The shows host Chris Harrison was shocked as were Brad, the studio audience, the shows director, and the cameraman, who got so nervous the camera shook erratically for about seven seconds until he could compose himself.

And why all of a sudden did the southern belle or rather (airhead) from North Carolina develop cold feet, a cold heart, and a cold ass?

[EDITOR'S NOTE: Emily revealed on the After 'The After The Rose Show' Show that she was actually in love with the shows host Chris Harrison.]

And so the ring went back to Neil Lane Jewelers. Emily went back home to North Carolina and Brad went back home to Texas.

USA DAYBREAK is reporting that Emily has been emailing Harrison every day, but he has chosen to ignore her since he is happily married.

Brad meanwhile was recently spotted up in Tarzana, California at a Jack-in-The-Box parking lot locked in a full, passionate embrace with Christina Aguilera.

One of the restaurant employees Ling Ling Pong, 17, said that she was parked next to Brad's Ford Taurus and he and Christina could not see her because she has tinted windows.

Ling Ling noted that Womack and Aguilera were definitely involved in a bout of what she described as 'Tongue Wrestling.'

After watching them for ten minutes she had to go inside since she had to clock in to start her evening shift.

USA DAYBREAK will follow up on the story and bring you any developments that come up when they come up.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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