New TV drama about serial killers Fred & Rose West a hit with paedophiles!

Funny story written by Jaggedone

Wednesday, 16 March 2011


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image for New TV drama about serial killers Fred & Rose West a hit with paedophiles!
Will she be looking?

A TV drama about the pleasant, charming, neighbourly pair; serial killers Fred and Rose West is set to be broadcast this month.

Producers have promised the drama to be as near to reality as possible and are actually filming it in the very same house that the real Fred & Rose used to rape, kill and bury nine of their victims.

The actors chosen for the roles resemble the pair dramatically and already have had tomatoes and rotten eggs thrown at them by neighbours who experienced the real thing many years ago.

Now makers feel this dramatic piece of infamous English history (enough of that to film) requires to be dealt with in an austere, sombre and realistic fashion.

Paedophiles think so too and can't wait for the dramatic tale to be broadcasted, it's even better viewing than what they normally get up to on the internet.

"Normal" people would rather have a re-vamp of Boris Karloff's Frankenstein or Vincent Price's, Dracula; they feel more at ease with fantasy than reality. But "show-business" demands that such evil bastards get their life-stories hung-out in front of the viewers; did they ask the family of the victims of Fred and Rose's dirty-doings how they felt about it, I wonder?

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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