Taylor Lautner: Doing It Wolf Style!

Funny story written by Bureau

Wednesday, 2 March 2011


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image for Taylor Lautner: Doing It Wolf Style!

Is the wolf man on the prowl? Twilight Movie star Taylor Lautner has been pulling reporters legs and playing jokes on his friends for as long as he can remember.

"You never know what the guy is going to do next or to whom", stated one member of the Paparazzi. "Also, you never know what he is going to say, just to ham it up a bit. Well, at least he's not boring like some of the stars of today."

Among others that are great at playing tricks on the reporters, one recently stated that Lady GaGa was very good at it...especially the remarks.

When asked about sex lately, Lautner reportedly that he thinks that doing it "Wolf Style" is the best position.

Fellow Twilight stars have been the targets of many of Lautner's tricks.

"He does these voices when he calls sometimes", stated actress Kristen Stewart. "He loves to put one over on Rob or me."

Lautner recently admitted to the mighty Tarzan yell while they were filming a wolf pack scene in Twilight. He told reporters later that "the scene was when I met Kristen for the first time as a werewolf and my pack was with me and in the middle of some great howling, I just cut loose with a Tarzan yell. I don't know why. But everyone was so serious..like the fate of the free world was in this scene..so I couldn't resist."

But some times he can be serious

"Whenever I find the right young lady, I intend to stay faithful to her. She'll have to have a good sense of humor. After all, wolves mate for life."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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