Elin Nordegren Seeing Alex Rodriguiz, Wants To Have More Children As Tiger Roars

Funny story written by Bureau

Friday, 26 November 2010

image for Elin Nordegren Seeing Alex Rodriguiz, Wants To Have More Children As Tiger Roars
Bats Instead Of Clubs

It seems that it was OK for a married Tiger Woods to have lovers all over the country but Elin Nordegren doesn't deserve the right to get married again and begin to have more kids.

"That's exactly what she's going to do", stated Elin's sister. "She wants more kids to go with three-year-old Samantha and two-year-old Charlie."

Elin also has told a friend that when she told Tiger she's going on dates and is planning another wedding as soon as she finds the right guy, Tiger exploded.

"He now gets to see his kids mostly on the weekends but he not only hates to know that Elin is dating but that she is ready to begin a whole new family", stated the source.

According to the source, Elin has been dating another sports star, Alex Rodriguiz, and seems pretty serious. She has dated other men but she stated that she has no more interest in the others at the present.

The source stated that Tiger Woods not only wants Elin back, he's afraid that his kids will grow up with another man, calling HIM dad.

"Tiger had everything going for him but blew it aside for some cheap thrills and now that he has lost a great wife, his kids may grow up believing he's their Uncle or the weekend baby sitter."

Meanwhile, this Friday Elin is celebrating the first anniversary of the day that she nearly clubbed Tiger Woods to death!

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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