The music world is today in mourning following the shocking untimely death of world famous singer, Charles Haddon.
Haddon, the lead singer of global phenomenom Ou Est Le Swimming Pool, apparently dived 200 feet to his death in a stunt that appears to have gone horribly wrong.
Horrified onlookers described seeing Haddon wearing trunks, goggles and a swimming cap at the top of a telegraph pole before shouting Ou Est Le Swimming Pool (Where is the swimming pool). It has emerged that a passer by answered Haddon's request for directions by shouting C'est ici monsieur, (it's here sir). It seems Haddon then gave a thumbs up and dived into what he thought was a pool.
However, the passer by misheard Haddon's request for information. Henri Marsaud. 56, said "I thought he was asking where the NCP car park was. I only found out later that he was asking for the whereabouts of the public bathing facilities."
Haddon, who has sold more records than Elvis Presley and The Beatles put together, landed head first on the tarmac and was killed instantly.
Record label spokesman, Kirk Cobain, said "I'm still in shock. Just as Ou Est Le Swimming Pool were taking the world by storm as well. But I don't think his death was an accident. He'd been depressed for some time at his inability to grasp basic French. Strictly speaking a swimming pool is a feminine noun so the band clearly should have been called Ou Est LA Swimming Pool, not LE Swimming Pool. Indeed, it could be argued that they should have called themselves Ou Est La Piscine. I believe that Haddon died as a direct result of grammatical and linguistic deficiency."