No, it's not for being the nation's leading ass nor for having Ferengi-sized ears, Lady Gaga has more followers on Facebook that the President with more than ten million followers, according to the most recent count.
"I may have to run against him in the Democrat primary in 2012", stated the Lady. "They're the donkeys, right. Well I have the ass for it."
Although feigning that she knew little about politics, she pointed out that the Democrats had a wrestler as a Governor in Minnesota at one time, a clown off Saturday Night Live as a Senator and that she wasn't surprised that they had ran "Bat Boy" for President.
"I mean, look at those ears! Then go look at that weird newspaper and see if he doesn't look just like that Bat creature." "Weakly World News", isn't that it? The one that had all the two headed babies and Bigfoot and the aliens."
"He must have had those sharp teeth filed down. And they make fun of poor old Nancy Pelosi with the high eyebrows a couple inches in the air above her forehead. I don't think that I could even manage that. You fight back, Nancy!"
Meanwhile, in order to get back into the number one spot on Facebook, especially among the youth, President Obama has changed his nickname on the web to "Twilight Waterdog".