After escaping the vengeance of the US Inland Revenue for many years and totting up tax debts of $13.5 million, they've cashed him at last.
Wesley declared: "I've been so busy chasing vampires that I totally forgot to pay my tax bills?"
He actually expected a pardon because of all the good, charitable work he does keeping the US sky lines free of flying, evil, blood sucking vampires and zombies, but enough is enough.
The judge sentencing him did actually show some symapathy because he knows all about the insides of top security prisons where Wes will not only be fighting vampires!
He will have his work cut out, full time, keeping the hardest core Homo's off his back.
So the judge is allowing Wesley to take his infamous, long "blade" with him and hopefully he will remain a virgin whilst having a shower or two, OOPS where's my soap!
Another alternative was to send him to to the Aryan Brotherhood Dept. who will have nothing do do with homosexual behaviour in prisons because they're "pure"!
Unfortunately they rejected him, I wonder why?!