A few years ago Rodney Mitchell, joined the Song Writer's Guild and not long afterwards, he started receiving royalty checks in the mail, each check being no less than $650.00. The total amount of the royalties being sent to his address was $150,000.00 for songs and sound tracks that had been sold to RCA Records. This was an amazing accomplishment for Rodney, especially, since he had never written a single song or sound track in his life!
Upon receiving his first check, he soon realized that it was made out to Sidney Mitchell, not Rodney Mitchell but the Song Writer's Guild had mistakenly switched their social security numbers and so began the nightmare with the Internal Revenue Service for Rodney.
Rodney notified the Song Writer's Guild of their mistake in 1993, and as a result, the royalty checks stopped coming to his address. However, in 1997, Rodney started receiving letters from the IRS. wanting to know why he hadn't filed taxes on the $150,000.00 royalties which led to a subsequent tax audit and further discrepancies that have not been cleared up or even paid off to this day, April 15th, 2010.
All Rodney has to say about the Song Writer's Guild or the IRS. is, "#$%^+{666}+#$%^!"
In other words, he has nothing nice to say about either one of them! And for him, they have been, "The Axis Of Evil" in his life.