Another waste of taxpayers hard-earned money

Funny story written by Lady Godiva

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

image for Another waste of taxpayers hard-earned money
Money down the drain

Councils spent more than £160 million on paperwork and legal preparation for school rebuilding projects that were cancelled by Education Secretary Michael Gove, new figures have shown.

News just out! What waste of time and money.

It is hoped that the public won't panic and start riotting in the streets because that will only waste more money by having to deploy riot police.

Nothing good comes out of riots. Windows get smashed, people end up in hospital, overworking the ALREADY overworked and underpaid hospital staff, who won't be in good moods, therefore will likely be 'not so nice' to patients.

Professional rioters will have to cancel holidays to attend riots across England, making them even more angry than they usually are.

Pubs will run out of beer as the 'professional rioters' drink them dry, thereby annoying the locals who will then join in the riots just because the 'pumps' are empty.

Schools will be closed for the safety of the children in areas where riots are expected, however teachers will be on full pay....another waste of money.

Parents will have to buy or rent more video games to keep the children 'amused' until schools re-open. Another waste of the parents wages or dole money.

The list goes on!

Why didn't the Government officials just keep their mouths shut?

Morrisons giving away last weeks lottery tickets. Five free with each purchase of any size bag of jelly babies.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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