Susan Boyle Fans Wage Networking War On Twilight Fans

Funny story written by Skoob1999

Thursday, 25 February 2010

image for Susan Boyle Fans Wage Networking War On Twilight Fans
Twilight Fans Like Gladiator Movies Too...

Internet users yesterday could barely believe their own eyes as virtually every social networking site on the net became jammed with messages which reduced the world wide web to a virtual battleground.

It remains unclear where the conflict began, but within a couple of hours the internet was logjammed with Susan Boyle fans and Twilight fans hurling virtual insults at one another.

One analyst told us that the conflict appeared to have kicked off when a Twilight fan described SuBo's fans as uncool, retro, and prone to hysteria.

SuBo fans responded by saying that Twilight fans were a bunch of miserable bores who wouldn't know a good time if it came and bit them on the butt. Adding that the Twilighters were miserable and lacking any tangible sense of humour.

One SuBo fan, 63 year old Glenys Cochrane posted footage of herself tossing her skirts above the knees whilst making whooping sounds to 'I Dreamed A Dream'.

"Yech! How disgusting is that?" groaned Twilighter Andrew Jewson of West 'By God' Virginia.

More as things get further out of control.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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