Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Aniston Make Up, Celebrate Diversity

Funny story written by Bureau

Thursday, 18 February 2010

image for Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Aniston Make Up, Celebrate Diversity
"We Made Up!"

After years of fighting over Brad Pitt who has been the partner of Angelina Jolie for several years now and who was once married to Jennifer Aniston, the two ladies seem to have made up.

A friend of Angelina's stated that Brad is always wanting to get out and go on with his career and so is Angelina, so they bicker a lot of the time they ARE together.

"Of course they get themselves filmed together and they do care for each other but the whole thing is crazy. What many fans don't know is that these two are like a lot of others in Hollywood, saying they have no life because of photographers. Then they call them up and tell them when they will be at a certain place so they will 'surprise' them there."

So what has brought the two battling women together?

"The fact that there may be a third or fourth or fifth lady for Brad out there. Word gets around. They called a truce recently and are on visiting terms but they have been keeping it a secret."

Who's Brad seeing?

"I don't know. I don't think they do either, but they are very suspicious. Sometimes it simply takes a third party to bring old enemies together. They're even sharing funny stories. Wait till Brad sees the headlines!"

This is beginning to look like a bad wrestling script. I'm Dan Hilliard, Ass Reporter for UP2.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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