Broadcasters of popular spoof TV comedy ghost hunter programme, Least Haunted, hit back, today, at public criticism of the show's immensely talented and articulate, yeah, right, main presenter, Yvonne Batting's decision to show her breasts on British television.
"The whole of the British viewing public seem to have got hold of the wrong end of the stick," said sycophantic spokesman, Simeon Lickspittle. "What Yvonne actually said was. 'I want the whole of the country to see these orbs'."
The off the cuff remark would probably have gone unnoticed had it not been for the show's effete spiritual medium, Dirk Pakorah, immediately whipping open his trousers, and masturbating himself into a frenzy.
"That was the best bit of the show. "Grinned viewer, Hazy Jane Drake, of Wigan, Lancashire. "Who wants to see Yvonne's norks when you can gaze with admiration at Dirk's baloney pony? I'll certainly be watching again."