Only one day after CBS announced David Letterman, of the Late Show, will be replaced by George W. Bush word comes that Rosie O'Donnell of The View will be replaced with Gracie Rex, a tyrannosaurus. "We really wanted someone with a kinder, gentler image... or was that W, no, wait that was W's papa. Oh well, Gracie is kinder and gentler and the other ladies of The View are extremely pleased to have her," says someone with almost nothing to do with the show.
The View hostess Babba Wawwa is optimistic that Gracie will do a great job, "We are exited to be the first talk show diverse enough to hire a reptile-American."
Co-hostess Elisabeth Hasselbeck is also pleased with the decision, "The Queen of Nice NOT has left and I'm sure I'll get along better with Gracie."
Gracie is famous for her work in Jurassic Park although it is not well known that she was almost fired for accidentally eating several stuntmen.