Marjorie Taylor Greene Denies That She Was Born With a Penis

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Saturday, 28 May 2022


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image for Marjorie Taylor Greene Denies That She Was Born With a Penis
The words on Marjorie Taylor Greene's black mask says it all.

BALTIMORE - (Satire News) - Cong. Marjorie Taylor Greene says that if these incessantly vulgar rumors about her and her tits, and her ass, and her vagina, do not stop then she will hire an attorney and sue the pants off of every male and female who is critical of her face, her huge ear lobes, and her outie belly button.

MTG says that even though she has a skin as tough as at that of a rhino's skin, she still gets her feelings hurt when people, mostly college-educated people, say that she has a face that can easily stop a clock for 28 minutes.

The congresswoman from the "Bushel of Peaches" state of Georgia noted that even a horrendously butt-ugly, creepy creature like Rudy Giuliani calls her the most ugly, vulgar names on both sides of the Missouri River.

Taylor Greene wants everyone to know, that contrary to the vicious rumors that was started by Nancy Pelosi, she, (MTG) does not now, nor has she ever had a penis.

The Georgia-born scarecrow pointed out that she will admit that she does have a very big, puffy pussy, which can appear to look like she has a prick, but she remarked "Look, I am all-girl, and I really and truly do not need a pecker, because I already have all of the pee-pees that I want and need." ■

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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