Will Smith Arrested On Counterfeiting Charges

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Wednesday, 20 April 2022

image for Will Smith Arrested On Counterfeiting Charges
"Will is a horrible actor as evidenced by his fake tears." - VP Kamala Harris

OIL SLICK, Pennsylvania - (Satire News) - The Alpha Beta News Agency, has just broken the story that Will "The Oscar's Ambusher" Smith was visiting a second cousin in Oil Slick, Pennsylvania, when local authorities took him into custody.

According to ABNA writer Mimosa Sabrosa, the human douche bag, allegedly tried to pass off a fake 100 dollar bill at a local McDonalds.

A spokesperson for the Oil Slick Police Department stated that when officers frisked Smith, they found eight 100 dollar bills in his wallet, seven in his left sock, and four in his right sock.

Officer Millicent P. Indigo (OSPD Badge number 23094318), who did the frisking revealed that she also personally found sixteen counterfeit 100 bills in Will's Spiderman briefs.

Smith told detectives at the Oil Slick Police Headquarters that he has no idea how the hell all of those fake 100 bills ended up in his possession.

[EDITOR'S NOTE: Perhaps, just perhaps Chris Rock planted them on him.]

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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