A man who started to read a new and potentially exciting book yesterday afternoon, was astonished when he opened it up at Chapter 1, only to find the pages had no numbers!
'La Reve' ('The Dream') by noted French writer Émile Zola was the book, and Moys Kenwood, 57, was the reader.
He said:
"Yes, as you've written above, I opened it up, and the pages had no numbers!"
Kenwood likes the pages to have numbers, because he likes to make pencil notes in the back of the book whenever he spots something that is interesting, or a mistake.
The book lacking page numbers, the pettifog was prevented from doing this.
He said:
"Yes, you've hit the nail on the head, really. I like to make pencil notes in the back of the book whenever I spot something that is interesting, or a mistake, but, the book lacking page numbers, I was prevented from doing this."
Another aspect of the book that he wasn't overly keen on, was the extremely small size of the type used, obviously for economy.
He said:
"It was a real strain for my eyes. Even with my glasses on, I was struggling. I've sent the publishers a snotty letter, but what's the use? I never get a reply!"
The book is about a girl who has a dream.