The Simpsons In A Fix, As Apu Refuses To Leave

Funny story written by Monkey Woods

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

image for The Simpsons In A Fix, As Apu Refuses To Leave
Homer after hearing the news

Producers of popular TV show, The Simpsons, are wracking their brains over what to do about its future tonight, after a planned axing of the Apu character went slightly askew, when Apu refused to leave.

Citing 'contractual obligations', Apu has said he will not be forced to leave the show until his current contract has run its course, in 2021. Until then, says his agent, Apu is digging his heels in.

It's thought that Apu is angry because the show's producers want to write him out of 'The Simpsons' due to a condition that nobody would ever have thought to have written into a contract - 'viewer perception that the character has become a racial stereotype'.

This, and not racial stereotyping itself, says Apu, is outrageous.

And he won't be bought-off. Matt Groening and Al Jean have already offered Apu a substantial sum of either money or rice, but this has been turned down.

Other characters are split on what they think, but, because of the fear of being labelled racists, or worse, racial stereotypists, the whole cast is staying silent.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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