HOLLYWOOD - Miley Cyrus says that she has no idea where in the world the rumor that she is pregnant came from but she wants everyone to know (especially the guys) that she is not having a baby.
Miley did admit that recently she has dated Kellan Lutz and Jared Leto, but they definitely made sure that they were as safe as safe can be.
She smiled as she said that there was even a rumor floating around in Nevada that she had gotten pregnant from twerking.
Miley was quick to add that she has never twerked in the nude, not even once.
Meanwhile GOP radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh has started a drive to deport Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus.
When Tubby Limbaugh was told that Bieber is from Canada but Miley was born in the USA, he said that it did not matter and that her skinny twerking butt needs to be sent up to Mountieland along with Bieber The Brat.