CHICAGO - The Hasbroken Toy Company has just issued an immediate recall on all of the Anthony Weiner Action Figure Dolls.
According to company spokesperson Zandreeka LaSheena Lovecake the dolls were shipped out minus the pants. Miss Lovecake stated that the toy company has no idea how in the world that mistake could have happened.
She did apologize on behalf of the Hasbroken Toy Company for any children or immature adults who may have been offended by the anatomically correct Weiner Action Figure Dolls.
Anyone who bought one of the dolls can return it to the store from where it was purchased for a full refund no questions asked.
She added that the customer will also be given a coupon good for 25 percent off on The Edward Snowden Action Figure Doll which has had very good sales; especially in Arizona.
In Late Breaking News. Buckingham Palace is reporting that the rumor that Prince Philip bought his great grandson Prince George Alexander Louis two full grown Indian elephants is not true. Prince Philip told England's Ta Ta For Now News that he will wait until Prince GAL is at least one-year-old.