Kat Von D's Body Has Finally Run Out of Tattoo Room

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Sunday, 19 May 2013

image for Kat Von D's Body Has Finally Run Out of Tattoo Room
Kat Von D getting a tattoo of Lady Gaga. (Photo courtesy of Paco Peso).

REDONDO BEACH - Kat Von D who was at one time supposed to have married fellow tattoo enthusiast Jesse James has revealed what many knew was coming sooner or later.

Miss Von D told Tittle Tattle Tonight reporter Tapioca Swizzle that she has flat run out of tattoo space on her body.

The highly inked Von D is believed to be one of the most tattooed women in the entire United States.

She told Miss Swizzle that back in December of last year she actually had seven tattoos removed that pertained to her then fiancé "Messy" Jesse James.

She remarked that it hurt like the devil to have the tattoos lasered off but as lots of her ex-boyfriends have told her she has got some balls and is not afraid of pain.

Kat became quite saddened as she told Miss Swizzle that after all of these years of inking, that she has finally run out of room.

Swizzle asked if there was any room at all left on her (BLANK). Von D laughed and confessed that, her hooha ran out of tattoo space back in September of 2012.

To view dozens and dozens of photos of every single tattoo on Kat Von D's body go to www.everytattooonkatvondsbody.tat

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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