Donald Trump Predicts Omarosa Will Win This Year's Celebrity Apprentice

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

image for Donald Trump Predicts Omarosa Will Win This Year's Celebrity Apprentice
Trump recently put a lock of his hair on eBay and was disappointed that the highest offer was only $3.

MANHATTAN - The latest member of All-Star Celebrity Apprentice to get fired is the very sexy Deal or No Deal model Claudia Jordan.

The Rhode Island native clearly showed that just like La Toya Jackson who was eliminated last week, she is afraid of messing with Donald Trump's pet contestant the vicious, vile, and venomous Omarosa.

The 39-year-old Jordan is positively no match for the likes of OmaGoshRosa who, according to comedian Zydeco Dupree, can make a pack of pit bulls seem like new born kittens.

Dupree has said that Omarosa is one tough cookie who could easily eat a plate of nine-penny nails and then ask for a second helping.

He added that Omarosa is such a hateful individual that she makes North Korea's Kim Jong Un seem like Richard "Sissy Shorts" Simmons.

Dupree stressed that the one thing and the only thing that Big O has going for her is the fact that Donald "The Hairdo From Hell" Trump absolutely loves her and her Naziesque personality.

In fact The Gossipette Gazette is reporting that Donald Trump has stated that he predicts that Omarosa will be this year's All-Star Celebrity Apprentice winner.

In A Related Story. Omarosa's fellow Power team member Dennis Rodman told Wyatt St. Yuma with The Gossipette Gazette that if Omarosa were to go out with him that he would take the meanness out of her and turn her into Condoleezza Rice within 24 hours.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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