As London Money Managers brace themselves for the gross losses from the world wide recession, they report that they have more to lose than the proverbial shirt. Lionel Squeezepence of investment firm, Cheathem Daly told this bizybody:
"Of course I'm bonkers about the bear market. My clients will have my arse in a sling but that's the least of my worries. You see, the average money manager has about as much sex appeal as the president of the chess club at Cambridge. But money, that's got mojo and so when I came into the pounds, let's just say, I got my first chance at pounding.
"Now that I'm broke with my butt in a brace, I know Vivian will take her hot model's bod and skeedaddle.
"I'll be tradin' penny stocks and datin' English majors, just you wait and see!"