"The Spoof" Sale In Doubt

Funny story written by Shaun Ferguson

Thursday, 21 June 2007

image for "The Spoof" Sale In Doubt

An agreed sale of Web newspaper "The Spoof" to a consortium of its top writers is in danger of collapsing.

A writer's buy-out had been agreed which would have netted founders Paul and Mark Lowton more than £70 each, however at the eleventh hour Google have joined the fray and topped the bid by a whopping £50 million.

The writer's group, led by "The Spoof" contributors Northern beauty carina-eta, surfer and poker studs Moose & Squirell and anarchist queen mudder are hoping their deal will still go ahead, but it may prove to be wishful thinking.

Paul Lowton has stated that deciding between moral obligation and hard cash is "a no-brainer".

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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