Telephone companies sucker consumers by using cute animals in their commercials

Funny story written by Frank the gunslinger

Friday, 18 April 2014

image for Telephone companies sucker consumers by using cute animals in their commercials
"Someone tell the phone companies to stop!!!"

Meercats, baby lions, baby tigers, kittens and puppies.

That is the top five list of animals that telecommunications companies are shoving down consumers' throats in order to move more of their product.

"What do they animals have in common with telephones?" The question came from Yuri Salvech, a professor of advertising at North Western. "Nothing," he replied, clearly frustrated, "I mean when was the last time you saw a lion dialing up to order a pizza?"

Using animals in advertising is nothing new but the sudden influx over the last few years of phone companies doing it has risen dramatically.

"It seems that every phone commercial now has some cute animal sauntering around it's product line," reiterated Professor Salvech.

Dan Weathers from the American Telecommunications Workers Union added his two cents. "It's completely logical that they would do this," he explained, "cute animals sell phones. In fact one phone company here in America is looking to take it one step further and create a phone that you can put in your dead pet."

It is true folks, we will shortly be releasing a story explaining how this has happened.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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