KARACHI, Pakistan - The government of Pakistan has issued a Presidential Directive which will go into effect at 12:07 am on Saturday, March 1, 2014.
A spokesperson for the Pakistani government stated that the number of accidents occurring due to people texting while riding yaks had gone up by 400 percent since this time last year.
It was pointed out that 78 percent of the accidents involved underage yak riders who had no business on yaks much less texting.
The government has said that once the new law in enacted anyone caught texting while riding a yak will have his or her cell phone confiscated and they will be receive a fine of $90.
If an individual violates the texting law a second time the fine will go up to $900. And should a third violation occur, the person will be arrested, tried, and placed in a hell hole of a prison for 213 days.