The Pope - My Fake Diary

Sunday, 5 August 2007

Dear Diary, today Cardinal Buccieri told me that he thinks Monsignor Rafferty is wearing an AC Milan shirt under his robes. As an AS Roma fan, Buccieri is furious and wants me to "do something about it."

So, dripping with sarcasm, I said, "Sure, 'Bucci,' just as soon as I finish writing a treatise on 'The Role of the Catholic Church in Ending World Hunger' I'll be happy to call Rafferty on the carpet because he's not an $%&*@# AS Roma supporter. And maybe after that I'll excommunicate Cardinal Luzano for having his $#&*@ fingernails too long."

Well, that shut him up. And later, just to piss him off some more, I showed up at dinner wearing a Lazio cap. I thought Buccieri was going to burst a blood vessel...

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