The Pope - My Fake Diary
Thursday, 14 January 2010
I had a dream last night, not the usual one about altar boys and nuns, but one which I saw a burning bush -- and before you say it, no it wasn't George W.. This strange dream really caught my attention and I remember how God spoke to Moses and so I believe that God was trying to speak to me. A divine audience with the Pope, so to speak!
The weather has been particularly bad in Europe this month will all this snow and I have had to wear my all-in-ones for a week and a day - I can't wait to get them off! then it suddenly dawned on me that the devil using the cold weather as a recruiting ground. The longer it went on and the colder it got, the easier it would be to recruit people to go to hell -- at least it would be nice and warm there.
I believe that God was telling me not to succumb to the devil's plans, but to warn people that with my help they would be able to endure the somewhat harsh conditions.
Here comes brother Luigi with my breakfast... Hot Cross Buns! My favourite !!!
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