Sarah Palin - My Fake Diary

Sunday, 18 December 2016

Well gosh, these look like some great choices Mr. Trump, or Mr. President, I love saying that, sent me to choose to get appointed to.
There is certainly a lot of country choices they sent me to be ambassador to. I've never heard of a lot of these countries before but I'm not going to admit and look stupid like I did with Katie Couric.

I don't think I'll choose Fook Island because I really don't like islands for very long at a time. Now I've heard of Atlantis, but I think that's some kind of island too. Maybe I'll just choose the Country of the Blind, because I could probably go into the malls and if I tried something on and forgot about it they probably wouldn't even notice. Especially if I was the Ambassador and all. And Bristol would have some place to come to wait out all of her pregnancies too! I'll call Donald first thing in the afternoon tomorrow!

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