Ray Mears - My Fake Diary

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Just back from doing a Ramadan survival special for Taliban TV in Afghanistan.

Was out in Helmand Province, pretty mountainous and gritty old sort of place.

Stayed in one of the Taliban's Al Quaeda cave complexes there.

Now I've bunked up in all sorts of evil bothies over the years, some so-so, some really crap, and on five continents too, but these blokes take the biscuit.

Their caves make Dubai's 7-star hotels look like shit. Covert Mid-East oil state support foots all the bills.

Gourmet chefs, plasma screens, latest DVD's, Jacuzzis, blow-up goats with real hair. What a whiz.

Satellite TV too, but no Simpsons or South Park. Typical Taliban mindset.

Had to watch old Osama bin Laden sermon video recordings every night

until the Mullahs went to bed, then the lads switched to the Western porn' channels. Good show.

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