Justin Bieber - My Fake Diary

Thursday, 17 March 2011


I freakin loveee uuu <3 <3 <3
I just recorded a song with M&M !
Soo cool!!

It was called 'I Want Gay Boys'. M&M was like 'Dude, rappers dont sing about gay people!' and I was TOTALLY like 'Yeah well, dont diss the gays!'

He totally dissed me.

Anyway I gotta go to my therapist. She thinks that I spend too much writing in my epically awesome pink diary :)It has pink hearts, and it's dark purple. It has a special lock with a key, I put in my hair :D

Love u boys!! <3 <3
Ughhhhh.... And you too girlsss -.-

JB - AKA Sexy Bieberr!

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