Jenson Button - My Fake Diary

Monday, 19 October 2009

Dear Diary,

I did it baby!

I can see the headlines now, 'Button Sews Up The Championship At Last'

Going into the penultimate race of the season I felt sick as a parrot. Imagine qualifying 14th on the grid to finish 5th and take the Championship crown. I've seen enough tears this season to last me a life time. Still, Barry Chello was gracious in defeat and Boss Rawn was magnanimous and generous to all the staff - past and present - in helping to achieve tremendous team effort.

Kovvers tried to toast the opposition when he left the pit lane with the fuel hose still attached and nearly flame grilled Raikkers.

Arguments between Trulli and Sutil, run-ins from Al Onso and Nakajimjams. But you know what they say; if you can keep your head while those about you lose theirs - then you probably don't understand the problem!

That was an awesome race! We are the champions, baby!

See you in Abu Dhabi for the final race of the season in two weeks.

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