HRH Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh - My Fake Diary

Sunday, 29 January 2012

God almighty, in the words of that Meldrew chappie 'I don't bloody believe it' tell me it's a misprint.
Popped in the Throne room for a stiff number two's this morning and found a copy of yesterdays Sun newspaper...the Ginger minger is always leaving them around...says here that the bloody Spice Girls are reforming for a Royal Jubilee show here at the Palace!

Sod that for a barrel of monkeys, one is not having those slappers clip clopping around the grounds like wailing banshee's, besides which I have already put a 10% deposit down on Barry Manilow!

For god's sake, now there is no toilet paper left, bugger it I'll have to use page 3...I must say, this filly has a fine pair a hooters wonder there are stains all over the page!

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