George W. Bush - My Fake Diary
Friday, 2 April 2004
to my unique way of thinking, April 1st should be a national holiday; especially being as the rest of the year the joke is on the American public anyway, they at least deserves one fun day off to celebrate from whatever else they are usually expected or compelled to do.
hey, like someone else once said, let them eat cake.
in honor of April Fool's Day this year, it was hard to resist writing a dry satrical piece (here) by my proclaiming April 1st as a federal holiday, etc., as well as granting amnesty to nearly all white-collar crimnals, save Martha Stewart.
as it was meant as an April Fool's joke, it seemed best to go with satire that made it appear all too real. what can I say, it was a slow day in the oval office on April 1st.
you don't think I really take my job that seriously anyway, do you? why anyone expects more of me, I do not have the foggiest notion.
if they cannot take a joke, too bad for them.
and, of course I had lots of fun with the caption for the photo used with the piece, especially since it is all too true.
hey, even my mom would be the first to say so.
i.e., "President Bush bites his tongue, as his mother told him to whenever he got the urge to say something he would certainly catch hell from her for later."
-- W
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