Donald Trump - My Fake Diary

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Dear Diary -

Romney better listen to me, if the fumbling flip flopper wants to win the presidential election.

I have tried to guide him and show him the way to the White House but all he seems to want to do is beat a path to the Loony House.

First he said that he was writing off 47% of the voters. Then he changed it to 31%, then 19%, and now the undisputed King of the Flip Floppers says he won't write anyone off because he cares about 107% of the American people.

Romney better pay attention to the Trumpster and release his income tax returns from 2007 to 2010 to prove he isn't hiding anything because if it coughs like a duck, eats like a duck, and bites like a duck, it's a damn illegal duck.

Donald Trump

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