Colonel Muammar Gaddafi - My Fake Diary
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
15/June 2011
Today I got acceptance from my friend the British Queen to enter the Olympics (she knows my prowess as a cuckold) in my favourite sport of cock shooting..this came about as that bast*%d prime minister Cumeron said I cannot watch the games with my loving family despite taking the $12,000,000 I paid for the six seats through my black market dealer "Philip of Corfu" who we all know married his sister in law Liz; as they had the same great grandmother (keep it in the family what !haw haw!)The Queen said I should shoot the endangered species "Camerons Cock" first but if I was good I could get"Clegg Cock" with the same shot as they are joined at the Butt..I do most of my shooting in the Butts and find most of my targets love my fullbore method..Me and Prince Charlie Boy understand the complexities of shooting without cover and have whacked off more than a few together in the Butts since he married that old crow Clarissa Marker Balls he said she does not like it in the Butts..although she aint seen my pistol yet.... I know I could make that Turkey trot .....Must go now I heard there is a "Save A Muhammer" Missile arriving the give me a blow kind of my friend Georgie Bush for organizing that..and I thought he didnt care !! Freedom !!
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