
Screen Name: Linius

Linius has published 17 items on The Spoof.

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Latest Spoof News Story: Wednesday 4th December 2013

Spoofing since: Friday 11th April 2008

Twiter: @LiniusR

Location: UK

Profile: Rotund jolly male, wiser than Barnacle Bill and the Ancient Mariner! Salaciously humorous,As many on this site I am a card carrying Loony (I have the Certificate to prove it)I also helped many of my peers escape by filling in their release forms for them (Its easier than tunneling)

I have been told by friends I have a heart as big as a house. a brain as small as a thimble and very intelligent sweetmeats

We all have to show our failing sometime lets hope its with someone who dont give a damn
I have been married twice and feel that total trust care and intimacy are bollocks, although that doesnt mean I'm looking for a relationship with a cynic just a someone who can understand the need for friendship without instant total commitment ( A friend with Benefits)

I am 61, 5' 8" and 19st, (Old; Short & Fat) I'm looking for friendS who can chat about life with humour who can laugh with me as well as at me; a free soul and open mind, after a few bottle of Bin 27; being who we are is our most promising attribute, finding someone to realise that could be the secret of a wonderful life. if they cabn keep a secret..I'm non judgmental or jealous I cant afford to be...

We all need to have our own space and to allow others theirs if they smell; we all have different interests that doesn't mean our partner has to get involved just support will suffice.. preferably gentle massaging of the gonads is enough but rough is OK

I love my Rugby (don't play now)too much time in the showers playing ball with the boys... my local pub, my home, my retirement and I even like who I am..I have too as no-one else does
life is too short to have attitude...Is that bus? where are my glasses? Oh! shit..too late; I feel there is so much fun to be had and a twinkle in her eye could make my winkle tinkle

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