Barack Obama - My Fake Diary

Friday, 13 May 2011

Dear Diary, It has been nearly 2 weeks now, but there is still no sign of Osama bin Laden. I really was convinced he might show up after we faked his death. Leon came up with this brilliant idea for his CIA officers to raid a house outside the Pakistan capital, where they have a really nice looking army school, and where their army generals like to retire to. "This is Mission Impossible," he told me. I like that show. "Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is, to convince the world he died in a comfortable villa, and he will be forced to come out to prove us wrong. Then we will finally know where he is!" I thought it was a brilliant idea, so I accepted the mission. But Obama is nowhere, er, I mean Osama! Haha, even I get confused by the rhyming names. Osama still won't come out of hiding. Leon thinks Osama may be playing coy, "Like a catfish that suspects there is a hook on that juicy bait you tossed out there." He may be right. I like Leon's ideas. I can't wait for him to be in charge of the wars.

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