Barack Obama - My Fake Diary
Sunday, 22 February 2009
We have carried out further airborne bombing raids over the offices of the New York Times. Da Bomb!
I aksed for some advice off dat Ehud Olmert on how to carry out a 100% accyrate drive-by bombing raid. He say he get back to me on that.
Last night, we had a fancy dress party for all the White House staff. Sometimes, life is so predictable. Every single one of my staff came dressed in gorilla suits, complete with bullet holes. Even Michelle and the kids. Motherfuckers!
I had a call about that guy in the Caribbean who has been accused of swindling 7 billion bucks. Name of Sandford. Shit! I remember when the brothaer was just a junk dealer. Sandford and Son or sumsuch.
Dem jive-turkeys even make a TV doccymentry about that sucker. Now he be some big-shot billionaire guy. He rise even mo' than me!
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