Not a bad way to kick off a business really, obtain a controversial commodity, even if that commodity embarrasses some world leaders, puts covert operatives lives in danger and damages state relationships, then make it available through paid links from other websites. That is, until the commodity becomes so toxic that you manage to create some pretty big enemies in the process, from corporations to governments.
Good on ya, mate. Julian Assange seems to have expected the fallout from the last round of electronic content releases, or did he? Under the guise of "Free Speech", presenting information that was made available, legally or illegally, most Western governments allow for the publication of that content, reader beware. True. In most cases you can say what you want, write what you want and publish what you want. Freedom of the press is a beautiful thing.
But. And it's a really big "but". Did the man honestly expect NOT to make a few really powerful enemies in the process? Starting with the severance of major link points to his website from companies like, oops, there goes a revenue stream, and finishing with heads of state that might like to see the guy swinging from a rope around his gentleman sausage. I'm allowed that little bit of grotesque imagery after all, thanks to that same freedom.
So best of luck in all, and I mean all your future business ventures, travels, and private endeavors. If you can beat actual jail time, I'm sure you won't wind up on anyone's watch list. Oh, and be sure to wear loose fitting shorts while you travel. It makes the body cavity searches easier to get through.