TSA Pervs Post Scans of Man with World's Smallest Penis on Line! Victim Claims He was Deformed and Sues!

Funny story written by Morse

Wednesday, 17 November 2010


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image for TSA Pervs Post Scans of Man with World's Smallest Penis on Line! Victim Claims He was Deformed and Sues!
Anal Cavity Video Cam Now Employed by TSA for Amusement!

Amid the continuing uproar over unvetted perverts and pedophiles being authorized to run their hands under the shorts of innocent citizens in the US, another outrageous violation was reported when a rogue agent posted pictures on line of the Man with the World's Smallest Penis on Twitter!

Not only were the pictures posted, but the man's real pass port photo, his home address and Farcebook homepage were also prominently displayed, much to the chagrin of the victim who claims he was 'deformed' and intends to sue.

The victim, who can not be named due to legal reasons and because he has won a 'super injunction' in the UK to prevent disclosure of his identity, has been variously described as a short bloke of diminutive stature (sic) cloaked in a leather duster and matching pork pie hat.

Airport penis policeman Percey "fingers' Shingh said the subject was singled out for a full body and cavity search due to the fact he was was wearing 'a long leather coat 4 full sizes bigger than his ownself...definitely suspicious. I mean, he could have been hiding all kinds of JUNK under there, couldn't he?"

According officials the suspicious demeanor of the subject heightened tensions all around the security area which was only relieved when the body scan revealed an undersized penis as short as a Panda's.

"Couldn't help but laugh, really," said Tacy Armbuckle, a distaff body groper, "I mean, it was so small we couldn't help but laugh, and it certainly was worthy of being displayed globally....it were a joke,innit!"

The victim, through his barrister is claiming that the image was photo shopped and directed attention to his FarceBook page which shows quite a different sized Penis than distributed.

Officials were quick to discount the Victim's claim.

"Shit," said Tacy with her mouth full of a philly cheese steak, " happens all the time with these folks on FarceBook...they can post anything on there they like concerning their education, accomplishments, including even the size of their Penis....never trust anything you see on the internet...especially if it appears bigger than life. I think this bloke is just a Prat with and ego bigger than his privates!"

Calling this reporter aside, Tacy whispered confidentially, "Hey, Wayne Rooney and Beckham travel through here all the time...want to see their dicks?"

No More Until We Stop Laughing.

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