It was bound to happen sooner or later, as at least one hundred airport security body scans have made their way online.
They began with the heading: We Have Blocked Facials, But Here Are The Best Of The Rest! At least 100 of those scanned in Florida are now up for one and all to see.
Comments have been coming in steadily to the site carrying them, mostly from some recognizing themselves and wanting to know how to sue the airlines. Some to brag that that's him in #57 and to look at the middle. Of course, over 300 men have now claimed to be #57.
That we can see these images today almost guarantees that others will be seeing similar images in the future. If you're unlucky, it might even be a picture of you or your family. Talk about your vacation photos!
One gentleman called in to ask if those being scanned can elect to volunteer themselves for showing around the world. "I have a lot to show", he stated. Three females told the site something similar.
The US government virtually guaranteed that this would never happen but it has. So who do these victims go after, the airport or the government?
Then there's the one gentleman who must have known something was up...because he was up. Plus he had added another four inches that had been very professionally applied. Even the lady scanner was pleasantly surprised.
I'm Harrison Cockerell reporting while stark naked for "The West Coast Post".