PUKISTAN - More than 1500 innocent lives have been lost in the worst monsoon flood in 30 years. Tens of thousands more have been displaced.
Not a single so-called (mis)government head has bothered to visit the site of devastation or made arrangements for rescue, recovery or food-water-sanitation-medical needs. They are all busy feasting on fatty-tailed sheep biryani in their fortified mansions while the country falls apart.
Oh, wait a minute. This is Pakistan! Now the terrorist-militant 'charity' groups can insert themselves in the 'rehabilitation' process. Tents that were sent as part of international aid for the 2005 earthquake and which were appropriated by Army and politicians alike will be sold to the highest bidder. The rest of the wretched poor be-damned.
Having been finally and openly Wiki-leaked the puppet-masters (Army-intelligence) and their wooden mouthpieces (the 'dumocratic gomment') are back to singing the same old Song of Denial.
Now Mr.Ten Percent Zardari is off with his begging bowl to Europe looking for new friends and the proverbial chalice - civilian nookoolur technology. Because whatever India gets Pak covets.
And all the millions of cowardly 'patriot' Pakistanis who live in kebab-ghettos in the UK while claiming to be such devout Muslims will cheer for the idiot king who comes to crown his silly-son as heir apparent.
Ah well.. all the bleeding heart London chatteratti; the liberal merlot-sipping, obese journos can emerge from their unwashed caves singing the paeans of how wonderful the Islamic Emirate of Pakistan really is. How many of them really ask "How many Pakistanis can you feed with 'nooks, bums', fissile material and F-16s?" LOL!
Knock off those rose-colored glasses & get a reality check you dolts. Cameron did every nation that has suffered Pak's terrorism a big favor by picking the right time and venue to call the Pak spade the dirty, f***ing shovel that it really is.
Why on earth do these latte-sucking, fornicating-with-my-sibling's-partner hacks think the rest of the world should be continuously bullied by Pakistan? Is the Pak govt. lining their pockets for favorable op-eds? Reminder: The Empire is dead - Britain doesn't call the shots.
Beggars can't be choosers and there's no bigger groveler-beggar-crook-shame-faced traitor than Pakistan. The enfant terrible, the dysfunctional problem child that America has coddled for over 60 years. Time to take Pakistan to the wood shed and lay a good-sized 2x4 across its lyin' cheatin' black-mailin' extortin' backside.
Miffed, paranoid, angry, put-off, petulant, issuing toothless verbal demarches to its benefactors? Does any sane individual out there really believe there is any reason for Pak to change its behavior? Hey if you're going to lie down with dogs you'll wake up with fleas.
Call its bluff - who will Pak turn to - the Taliban? Hello??