Austerity Program in Greece Working: Millions of Frogs Block Traffic Crossing Road Trying to Leave Country!

Funny story written by Morse

Thursday, 27 May 2010


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image for Austerity Program in Greece Working: Millions of Frogs Block Traffic Crossing Road Trying to Leave Country!
Frog looking like Lizard after being crushed trying to flee Greece after benefits cut off!

Traffic was snarled for hours as millions of Frogs packed up and crossed the road in Langadas in a mad dash for the coast and hopes to return home to France after Greece announced all benefits would be cut!

The Bankrupt country, known to be adverse to work, and prone to consider avoidance of taxes a national past time, has been forced to cut back on social services, 4 month vacations, retirement packages that commenced at 21, free ouzo rations, and socialist labour unions, in order to comply with bailout mandates from Germany, the country required to pick up the check.

Before authorities jumped in to control traffic, at least a hundred Frogs were squashed on the roadway, causing lorries to skid out of control, overturn and release cases of snails bound for export to be sent into the mix.

"Those Frogs didn't know whether to shit or go blind," said one Greek bystander, "they were faced with a terrible dilemma...get out of the road to avoid being hit, or stop to collect a few snails to take with them for a snack on the crossing...funnier than a bunch of pigs on to some Truffles...all that snortling and grunting! F***** Frogs!"

Hysteria was starting to build in France anticipating the homecoming of millions of ex pats.

"This will be a disaster....just when we thought we were rid of the Bastards, they're all coming home to roost," said one retired Frenchman, age 24,"I've forgotten how to work, and now I'll be forced to find a job to support these SLACKERS....after living in Greece for nothing all these years they'll expect US to pay for them!"

When asked how he would handle the situation, an embattled Nicholas Sarkozy grimaced and Threw Up his Hands in a typical Gallic Gesture!

"The Rich Will Just Have to Pay" he said with the usual French aplomb, 'besides, I'm too short to worry about it...I'm more concerned with my wife's sex tapes at the moment!"

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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