Naked riots break out in Queensland

Funny story written by C. Cranium

Sunday, 4 April 2010

image for Naked riots break out in Queensland
Nudists frolic at the Natural Nest Nudist Colony.

Queensland, the Australian Sunshine State, is known for warm weather, tropics, nudity, and now civil unrest. The Natural Nest Nudist Colony near Townsville is located on a secluded cove surrounded by palm trees, tropical flora, and strategically placed fencing.

The nudity practiced by the members of Natural Nest was kept private and respectful until this week when local fully clothed hooligans decided to visit. When the drunk party crashers refused to disrobe or leave the police were called. The hooligans continued to roam around and gawk at nudist members and just as the police and television press arrived, a fight broke out.

An inebriated member of the hooligans discovered his naked wife and neighbor playing volleyball. A lot of screaming and pushing ensued until the naked neighbor tackled the hooligan and the two rolled around in the sand attempting to punch each other.

The police separated the fighters and evicted the hooligans.

Press cameramen caught the incident for the evening news, and had an interview with one of the hooligans who disparaged the Natural Nest and its patrons. Later that evening disgruntled nudists, and still naked, visited a local pub and were refused service.

Another fight broke out and police threw the entire lot in jail, naked and clothed were rushed away in different paddy wagons.

Tensions remain high, as no resolution has been reached.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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