Alien Remains Sold for Chinese Food

Funny story written by victor nicholas

Friday, 16 January 2009

image for Alien Remains Sold for Chinese Food
Aliens Popular as Food in China

Hong Kong - The mystery of numerous UFO reports without any physical evidence has finally been revealed by a food wholesaler in Canton province. Businessman Wilson Yip says "We get product ship in from Roswell US every Thursday, shrink wrap and frozen in silver wrapping like tinfoils."

"People here eat anything with legs except table and chairs."

"We just slice and dice aliens different ways and make up names for whatever come off cleaver."

"Arms and legs are nice sausage shape so we called them sea cucumber. Nobody seen one of these, they good in stir fry with seafoods."

"Tougher stuff we criss-cross a bit and sell it as squids, people make fun of having a good chew on it but very like."

"Waxy stuff from between toes we called toe-fu. We change name to tofu, but it still not sell good."

"Brains we mash up fast-fast and call congee."

"Not your brains, alien brains, they smart."

"You like try?"

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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