London - (WTF? Mess): Embarrassed Treasury officials have downgraded Business Minister Baroness Shifty Vadera's confident vision of 'little green shoots' of economic recovery to a classic sighting of 'little green men'.
"The woman is a nutjob," Treasury Permanent Secretary Sir Ivan Fatcat said today as the Baroness was forced into a humiliating public apology.
"Not even UK Business Secretary Lady Mandelson could come up with such a daftass idea," the Tory front bench spokesman for graft, corruption and all the usual Thatcheresque cover-ups commented.
Vadera was appointed to the House of Lords in 2007 after a stellar City career encompassing relentless schmoozing of the Governor of the Bank of England, arselicking Prime Monster Gorgon Brown and twice monthly fellating of Wall Street ponzi scam nutter Bernie Madoff.
Gerald Ratner is a financial genius.